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Hello, I'm April.   


I've been a PA for over 15 years largely working in the public and third sectors.  


​From 2016 to 2024 I was a Chief Officer PA in the NHS in Northamptonshire working throughout the pandemic and organisational change within Northampton's NHS services. ​I have also worked for Northamptonshire Police and Probation services and The Breastfeeding Network.

I am a Fellow of the Executive and Personal Assistants Association and proud to champion the importance of the EA, PA and VA roles.


Away from work, my passion has always been the Arts, I have been involved in community theatre for over 20 years as a performer and organiser.​


Now I am bringing my passion for the Arts and my love of organisation and being a PA together to offer my services as a Virtual Assistant.​


I offer a specialist Arts Admin service covering all aspects including proof-reading and editing, publicity, contracts, grant applications, rehearsals, auditions and tour management.

Whether you need a general VA, a specialist Arts VA, support with adovacting for yourself or improving your CV and interview skills I can help you.  Let me use my skills to help you make the most of yours. 


The services I offer are completely bespoke to your needs and can be tailored however works for you.


Contact me to find out more

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The Proficient PA



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